Dr. Anne Marie Albano with Helpful Advice in Teen Vogue

August 25, 2014
So how do you know you're feeling something more than typical stress? For Natasha, a school therapist noted her anxiety and alerted her parents, who brought her to a doctor. But there are other ways to check in with yourself. "Having too much anxiety results in holding back, avoiding, and escaping from situations that may be challenging in some way," says Anne Marie Albano, Ph.D., an associate professor of clinical psychology in psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center and the clinical director at New York Presbyterian Hospital's Youth Anxiety Center. "When anxiety interferes with your dreams and goals, or causes you to stay home feeling tense or shaky or having panic attacks, you know it's not normal."
Read more: http://www.teenvogue.com/my-life/2014-08/anxiety