Dr. Blair Simpson's Blog in Anxiety.org

November 11, 2014
In this blog post, I describe the results of a recent clinical trial conducted by my collaborators and I in which we compared two frequently used treatments for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), a mental illness that affects more than three million Americans. Individuals with this condition have recurrent thoughts, images or urges, known as 'obsessions', that provoke distress and feel compelled to repeat certain behaviors or actions in order to feel better, which are known as 'compulsions'. For example, some individuals with OCD are overly concerned with germs and contamination, and find themselves engaging in excessive washing and cleaning routines. Others become obsessed with the idea that they will be responsible for a catastrophe and feel driven to compulsively check that the stove is turned off and the door is locked. These symptoms can become disabling, taking up a great deal of time per day, and causing significant amounts of anxiety and distress.
Read more: https://www.anxiety.org/ocd-treatment-ex-rp-more-effective-than-risperidone