The NYSPI MRI Research Program is making efforts to fully support investigators in preparing and uploading files to the NIMH Data Archive. As we develop internal resources and tutorials, we will add them here, but in the interim we have provided direct links to NDA sources and learning materials.
NEW - ndaTool is now available as part of the MRI computing resources, click here for a guide on usage.
Click here for our own simplified guide to NDA file submission. We will continue to evolve and improve this document as resources and methods update.
NIMH NDA Training Resources & Tutorials
Using the Validation and Uploading Tool
NDA Tools
The GUID Creation tool & Instructions (including PsuedoGUID)
NOTE: NYSPI/NYS requires the use of psuedoGUIDs. To create a pseudoGUID:
- Download GUID Tool from the link above
- Open GUID Tool
- Login to GUID Tool with your NDA login info
- Click ‘Functions' (in top bar), then click ‘Get pseudo-GUID’
- Copy the pseudo-GUID that is displayed
Additional detailed instructions for use on the GUID creation tool can be found at the link above
Additional Resources
National Data Archive Homepage