Salary, Benefits and Agreement

Salaries and benefits depend somewhat on the employer and salary source.

  • All PGY-1 residents are paid by New York Presbyterian Hospital
  • Seven PGY-2 residents are paid by New York Presbyterian Hospital
  • Five PGY-2 residents are paid by New York State
  • All PGY-3 and PGY-4 residents are paid by New York State

Expected resident salaries, as of July 2016, are listed below, but adjustments may occur. Licensure increases salaries; we list below the most frequent conditions:

PGY-4 (with New York State licensure):    $ 84,325*
PGY-3 (with New York State licensure):    $ 77,460*+
PGY-2: Visit NYPH-GME website for details +
PGY-1: Visit NYPH-GME website for details

* Includes New York State location pay (approximately $3026) for full-time state employees.

+ Does not include approximately $900 withheld during first 3 months (after transition to a New York State line) which is paid back upon terminating employment with the New York State (at the end of residency).

All residents are currently eligible for a $3,000 annual housing allowance from New York Presbyterian Hospital.

Presbyterian Hospital Medical Benefits

New York State Benefits - PEF Employees

Resident Agreement