A Time Magazine Cover Article Tackles Alzheimer's Disease

November 2, 2010
Scientists like Dr. Richard Mayeux continue the march ahead to find answers to tough questions like why some elderly people develop Alzheimer's Disease while others do not. Tougher still is what to do about it once you get it. As one individual pointed out to Dr. Mayeux:  "The way I see it, even if you predict when I will get Alzheimer's, you haven't got anything that I can do for it."
Read more at http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,2025369,00.html

Scientists like Dr. Richard Mayeux continue the march ahead to find answers to tough questions like why some elderly people develop Alzheimer's Disease while others do not. Tougher still is what to do about it once you get it. As one individual pointed out to Dr. Mayeux:  "The way I see it, even if you predict when I will get Alzheimer's, you haven't got anything that I can do for it."